CLASSIC MUSTANG ANALYZER 6.0 ©Copyright 1994 - 2001 by John Palmisano ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WHAT'S NEW IN THIS 6.0 VERSION ? ============================== --Resized screen resolution from 640x480 to 800x600 --Increased color depth from 256 to 16 million (16 bit) --Increased idle event reminder from 3 minutes to 5 minutes --Complete redesign of programs basic graphic user interface --Revision of all menus and menu items for added speed and easy use --All new quick menus and hidden menus --All new page aware print buttons --Program aware user friendly Help sections --Removed all add-on modules and incorporated their actions and content within the main program. (Help and Tips) --All decoders are now part of the main program (BuckTag, Data Plate, Paint,and VIN) --Added program button links to active and changing web content --Added Bookmark routine for most used areas --Removed older components no longer relevant (Club and Vendor databases) --Updated and added to main databases --Revised program installation scheme //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VERSION 5.0 ©1999-2001 ==================== --Made available first CD-R version with extras --Made first downloadable version available --Added BuckTag decoder module --Added Automatic VIN/Door Data Plate Decoder --Added Club and Vendor Database --Added Tips module --Added Extra Help module --Added idle time warning --Added factory GT information --Revised and edited content --Released first true 32-bit version /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VERSION 4.0 ©1997-1999 ==================== --Released first version compiled to run in WIN95 --Added 1974 to 1993 Mustang information to program database --Added 1964˝ information --Made available first automatic decoder to registered users --Added Windows installation routines ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VERSION 3.0 ©1996 ================ --Designed first graphic user interface for DOS 6.2 --Revised and edited background codes --Added program information and content --First use of dataplate menu design /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VERSION 2.0 ©1995 ================ --Created DOS menu driven interface for user convenience --First compiled .exe (executable) version /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VERSION 1.0 ©1994 - 1995 ===================== --Researched and added basic 1965 to 1973 information database --Wrote all code using basic DOS 5.0 batch file script language /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////